Lip balm as a gift with purchase for 45€

Sale-purchase-supply agreement

  1. General provisions.

1.1. These Terms and Conditions of Sale and Purchase of Goods are a binding legal document for the parties, which sets out the rights and obligations of the Buyer and the Seller, the conditions for the purchase of goods and payment for them, the procedure for the delivery and return of the goods, the liability of the parties, and any other provisions relating to the purchase and sale of goods at the online store

1.2. By placing an order, the Buyer confirms that he/she accepts these Terms and Conditions.

1.3. The contract between the Buyer and the Seller shall be deemed to have been concluded from the moment the Buyer clicks on the “Buy” button in the online shop after having created a shopping cart, indicated the delivery address, chosen the payment method and read the Terms and Conditions.

1.4. The Seller undertakes to supply and deliver to the Buyer the Goods provided for in this Contract and the Buyer undertakes to pay for the Goods on the terms and conditions and in the manner provided for in this Contract.

  1. Personal data protection.

2.1 When ordering goods from , the Buyer must provide the data requested at the time of purchase: name, surname, address, telephone number and e-mail address.

2.2. The Buyer is responsible for providing correct information at the time of purchase.

2.3 By placing an order, the Buyer agrees to the processing of the personal data provided by him/her for the purpose of the order. The Buyer also agrees that the email address provided by the Buyer shall be used for the purpose of the Buyer’s email address. the postal address to send information messages necessary to complete the order.

2.4. The processing of the Buyer’s personal data for marketing purposes may only be carried out if the Buyer himself/herself consents to it.

2.5. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer’s personal data to third parties, except when required by a competent State authority in cases provided for by the laws of the Republic of Lithuania or by the Buyer’s separate written consent.

  1. Rights and obligations of the parties

3.1. Seller’s rights and obligations

3.1.1. The Seller undertakes to provide all the conditions for the Buyer to make proper use of the services provided by the e-shop

3.1.2. The Seller undertakes to deliver the goods ordered by the Buyer to the address specified by the Buyer.

3.1.3.The Seller may, in important circumstances, temporarily or permanently discontinue the operation of the e-shop without prior notice to the Buyer.

3.1.4. The Seller may unilaterally change the terms of these Terms and Conditions.

3.1.5. If the Buyer uses the services provided by after the changes to these Terms and Conditions, the Buyer shall be deemed to have accepted the change to the Terms and Conditions.

3.1.6. The Seller shall commence performance of the Contract when the Buyer has paid the Seller the full price of the basket.

3.1.7. The Seller undertakes to dispatch the Goods to the Buyer no later than 7 days after payment for the Goods.

3.1.8.The Seller undertakes to fulfil all the terms and obligations of this Contract in a timely manner.

3.2. Rights and obligations of the buyer.

3.2.1.The Buyer undertakes to pay to the Seller the agreed amount for the ordered goods on time and to accept the goods.

3.2.2.Provide full, complete and correct information on the billing form. If the Buyer provides inaccurate, false or misleading data in the billing form, has the right to cancel the Buyer’s registration and delete the data.

3.2.3.In the event of a change in the Buyer’s details provided on the Purchase Form, the Buyer shall immediately inform the Seller.

3.2.4.By placing an order in the online store, the Customer agrees to the following terms and conditions of purchase – the Customer shall have the right to withdraw from the contract of sale and purchase of goods in accordance with the provisions set out in the Returns Policy.

3.2.5. The Buyer undertakes to fulfil the conditions and obligations set out in this Contract in a timely manner.

3.2.6. Pivalo to pay the shipping costs.

  1. Ordering, prices, payment procedures, deadlines.

4.1. The online shop is open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day. per day.

4.2.Orders are accepted at online shop

4.3. All prices in the online shop are in euros

4.4. The Buyer undertakes to pay for the order within 3 (three) calendar days from the date of order confirmation. Preparation of the parcel starts only after payment for the goods has been received within 7 calendar days.

4.5. If the Buyer fails to make payment within 3 (three) calendar days, the order shall be cancelled.

4.6.The Buyer shall pay into the Seller’s bank account _Nymphaea Flos MB account_______.

  1. Delivery.

5.1. The Buyer undertakes to specify the exact place of delivery.

5.2. The Buyer undertakes to accept the goods himself. In the event that the Buyer is unable to take delivery of the Goods and the Goods are delivered to the address indicated, the Buyer shall not have the right to claim against the Seller for the delivery of the Goods to the wrong entity.

5.3. Goods are dispatched to the Buyer within 2-7 working days after payment confirmation.

5.4. In all cases, the Seller shall be exempt from liability for failure to meet delivery deadlines if the goods are not delivered to the Buyer or are not delivered on time due to the Buyer’s fault or due to circumstances beyond the Seller’s control.

5.5. The Buyer must inform the Seller immediately if the consignment is received in damaged packaging, if the consignment contains unordered goods or the wrong quantity of goods, or if the consignment is incomplete.

5.6. The Buyer must email. provide the Seller with photographs of the damaged parcel and/or item(s) by post.

  1. Product quality, guarantees.

6.1. All the details of the goods sold on are indicated in the description of each product.

6.2. The quantities shown in the photos in the shop do not always relate to the price of the item – there may be more than one item shown. Units of measurement are indicated in the product description. The colour of the goods may vary slightly depending on the monitor used by the Buyer.

6.3. The Seller may provide an appropriate quality guarantee for individual types of goods, the specific term and other conditions of which are set out in the product description.

6.4. Where legislation prescribes a certain shelf life for particular goods, the Seller undertakes to sell such goods to the Buyer in such a way that the Buyer has a realistic opportunity to use such goods before the expiry of the shelf life.

  1. Marketing and information.

7.1. The Seller may organise various promotions and offers in the online shop

7.2. The Seller has the right to unilaterally change the terms of the Shares and to cancel the Shares without prior notice. Any modification or cancellation of the terms and conditions of the Shares shall take effect from the time of the modification or cancellation.

7.3. The Seller shall send notifications to the Buyer to the email address specified in the Buyer’s purchase form.

7.4. The Buyer shall send all notifications and questions to the Seller’s e-mail address. using the contact details in the “Contacts” section of the shop.

7.5. The Seller shall not be liable if the Buyer does not receive the information or confirmation messages sent due to disruptions in the Internet connection, in the networks of the e-mail service providers, in the SPAM catalogue, or due to incorrectly provided data by the Buyer.

7.6. The Buyer’s personal data may be processed for marketing purposes under the conditions set out in paragraph 2.4 of these Terms and Conditions.

  1. Ownership right

8.1. Title to the Goods delivered shall pass to the Buyer upon acceptance of the Goods by the Buyer.

8.2. The risk of accidental deterioration of the Goods shall be borne by the Buyer from the time of transfer of title and the conditions of incorrect storage.

8.3. The Buyer shall check the quality and quantity of the Goods upon acceptance of the Goods. Each product has a specified expiry date. If the Buyer does not store the goods as described in the instructions for each product, the Buyer shall be solely responsible for any damage caused by improper storage.

  1. Responsibility

9.1. If the Seller breaches the time limits for the timely dispatch of the Goods, the Seller must inform the Buyer of the breach.

9.2. The buyer is responsible for the dispatch of the goods to countries outside the European Union, the customs duty and the delivery in his country.

9.3 The Buyer is fully responsible for the accuracy of the data provided in the Registration Form. If the Buyer provides inaccurate data in the registration form, the Seller shall not be liable for the consequences thereof and shall be entitled to claim direct damages from the Buyer.

9.4. Once registered, the Buyer is responsible for the security of his/her login details and must ensure that they are not passed on to third parties. If you email. shops The services provided by are used by a third party logged in to shops using the Customer’s login details, the Seller shall treat that person as the Customer.

9.5. In the event of damage, the Party at fault shall pay the damages in accordance with the procedure and on the grounds established by the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania.

  1. Exchange of information, complaints procedures.

10.1 The Seller shall inform the Buyer using the email address provided in the registration form, and the Buyer may use any means of communication specified in the online e-shop in the “Contact” section

10.2. All complaints can be submitted to Nymphaea Flos MB by e-mail

10.3. The Seller shall have the right to process complaints within 14 (fourteen) days from the date of their receipt, unless the legislation of the Republic of Lithuania establishes different deadlines. In complex cases, this deadline may be extended by an additional 15 (fifteen)

Days. Responses to complaints shall be provided to Buyers by email or telephone, or at the address provided by the Buyer.

  1. Exemption from liability

11.1. The parties to the Contract shall be exempt from liability in the event of force majeure. In such circumstances, the party requesting exemption from liability must notify the other party within 10 working days, otherwise it will not be exempted from liability. If the force majeure continues for more than 2 months, the contract may be terminated at the initiative of one of the parties by written notice to the other party.

  1. Dispute resolution procedures

12.1. Any dispute between the parties concerning the performance of this Agreement shall be settled by mutual agreement between the parties.

  1. Entry into force, term of validity

13.1. This contract shall come into force upon payment for the goods by the Buyer.

  1. Posting comments

14.1. The Buyer has the right to express his/her opinion on the e-shop. the products in the shop by writing comments in reviews.

14.2. The Buyer agrees and warrants that the content of the Comments will comply with these requirements:

– will be correct and accurate, relating only to the product commented on

– will not be promotional

– will not be misleading or abusive, nor use words that are not censored

– will not violate the rights of the Seller or third parties, the requirements of the Lithuanian laws and accompanying legal acts

14.3. The Seller reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to remove any comments made by the Buyer which do not comply with the above requirements.

14.4. The Buyer accepts full responsibility if his/her actions do not comply with the requirements set out for the hosting of comments.

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